Well hi there.
I haven't been taking photos lately as I am currently sitting exams at school. Man I love year 11.
I feel as though, I don't know, I take too many photos of myself? But the thing is, I like taking photos of myself. Self absorbed? possibly. No, not really. I take photos of myself when I'm in a certain mood. I don't take photos of myself for the sake of taking photos of myself, to upload them and receive comments.
I take photos of myself when I'm feeling something - most of the time.
Whether its happy, sad, lonely, angry, creative. I'll take a photo to document it.
This photo, was the morning after my friends party.
Before that night, I hadn't really felt happy, I was kinda pissed off with everything that was going on in my life, I was stressed, and just generally in a horrible state of mind.
But, the night of the party, was when I genuinely felt happy. I was surrounded by a group of people who I felt really comfortable with, and had a great time.
The morning after I realised that I really have nothing to be unhappy about. I have amazing friends, and the situation I have been placed in with Mum is not so bad.
So I took this photo.There are people out there with bigger problems than me. She will get better, it just takes time. She's actually going in for another operation tomorrow, so I'll be thinking of her ♥
I guess this photo reminds me of all the things that have been going on lately. It makes me stronger.
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