It's been a while since I posted something, I have been pretty busy with school and other stuff lately, and have just came down with the flu and have the day off school, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to post something.
1. SOUNDWAVE was 16 D: days ago - 2 weeks, gosh, it feels like it was only a couple of days ago. This year was pretty good - the festival was held at Claremont Showgrounds instead of Steel Blue Oval - which was A HUGE improvement. The venue was so much bigger, there were ROADS in the venue and the layout of facilities was so much better, I didn't have any trouble finding anything! The line to get in was much easier than last year - where everyone just lined up around the venue and went in one by one, whereas this year there were like different lines, and the under 18's line was clearly marked out so there was no confusion whatsoever, all in all, it was very well organised.
The bands playing this year were soo good, I didn't end up checking out every band I had hoped to - which happened to everyone I know who went. I got to see The Starting Line - which were REALLY good live, which was followed by Silversteins intro.
I then rushed off to Stage 5A - where Veara were playing, and managed to get right up against the barrier. Veara were AMAZING! they were the main band I was going to see, and it felt so good to hear the songs that I had been singing in my room for the past couple of months live. The crowd wasn't too bad either - not too pushy but not completely dead, which is how I like it. Bradley Wyrosdick (lead singer) jumped into the crowd at the end of 'Getting Kicked In the Face Has Never Been So Fun' and because I was in the middle right at the front, his was pratically on top of me, which was amazing - I got to touch his chest :D Patrick Bambrick (guitarist) was recording the crowd, so I'm hoping that video will pop up somewhere.
Bradley Wyrosdick - see that head in the way, yeah, thats MY head. |
We then headed over to the signing table to see who was doing signings - so many bands were - including Veara and NFG. The tickets were only $2 so I bought one to meet Veara. I sound obsessed with them - and the truth is, I kinda am. Anyway, got to meet them and got my timetable signed, they were lovely people and had the coolest accents.
Saw The Amity Affliction - who were pretty good. The crowd was crazy - the guys from the band threw a body board into the crowd, and people were literally crowd surfing on it.
I then went and saw Slash before heading over to New Found Glory - another band I have been dying to see. These guys are amazing. They played a 40 minute set which only felt like 5 minutes. Definately going to see them again.
Grabbed some overpriced food ($8 for a hotdog) before going to see Bring Me The Horizon - once again crazy crowd. Oli got everyone in the crowd to sit down - like on your bums sit down, the crowd was SO big that it was like a wave of people all sitting down at once and I wish I had grabbed my camera out in time to take a photo of it, as it was amazing.
Finished it off with Mayday Parade. All in all a fantastic day.
Bryan Kerr |
Brittany Harrell |
New Found Glory |